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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Orphan Train - Christina Baker Kline


Five star read! This book has been on my TBR list for some time and when I finally drew the name I actually let out a whoop of joy, the cover is simply gorgeous and definitely was one of the contributing factors in choosing this one. 

     It follows the story of Molly who is in foster care and after being moved several times she is on her final warning at her current home. After stealing a copy of Jane Eyre she is sentenced to community service, her boyfriend gets his mother to ask the rich elderly woman she works for to help Molly. Vivian agrees that Molly can help her sort through her belongings in the attic. 
     By spending time with Vivian, Molly gets glimpses into the old woman's life and she discovers that they have more in common than meets the eye. She learns how Vivian's family moved to US from Ireland, how her parents passed away and she was then placed on the orphan train heading into USA carrying children of all ages. At each stop children were chosen to go and live with families. 
     Molly then decides to help Vivian find answers to her countless questions about her past.

I thought that the book was well written and captivating, I couldn't put it down when I started it, and it was both shocking and heart-warming. Vivian's struggles as a child touched me and opened my eyes to what it was like in those times.

You realise that in that period of time, there were children whose parents died and I didn't know that children was gathered in such a way as this. Piled into a train, with little to no supervision that they had to care for themselves and younger children. These children came from broken backgrounds and being on the train didn't necessarily mean that they would go somewhere better.  

Christina Baker Kline touches on this in her book, and I love that she didn't sugar coat this. 

Definitely a must read for everyone!

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